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“Pakistan social media generation calls me Match-Fixer,” reveals Wasim Akram

The actual “Sultan of Swing” to the entire cricketing fraternity, and one of the Greats of the Game, recently lamented on his recognition as a match fixer as labelled by the present generation of Pakistani cricket fans , a throwback of the incidents that happened way back in the 1990’s.

Recently, during the release of his autobiography ” Sultan Wasim Akram”, the flamboyant cricketer spoke at length about what happened in the 90’s in regard to the match fixing scandal. The very fact that the current generation of Pakistani cricket fans , still do remember it, without knowing the details of the incidents that unravelled, probably contributed quite a few words in his autobiography.

Wasim Akram recalls mistreatment by Pakistani fans

He was heard criticizing his fans at home , as they lashed out at him on social media, calling him a “match fixer”. Their ignorance of the actual events, that unfolded did leave this “Great of the Game” , disappointed.

Even though, the rest of the cricketing world , i.e. Australia, India, South Africa, England , etc. consider him to be one of the all-time greats, and never misses out on his name while talking about the World XI, the current social media educated generations of his country still regard him as the one who used to fixed matches.

These comments were the eventual reactions of the match fixing allegations labelled on him by his fellow team-mate Ata-Ur-Rehman , to have offered him money in return of undue favours towards pre – determining the outcome of the game/s. It also included the rumours that in the 1996 Cricket World Cup, he had purposely made himself unavailable.
The Pakistan Cricket Team , even though are not strangers to such allegations, proved or not, in due course, but these allegations against Wasim Akram, were never substantiated.


Sandip Basu - 28 Posts

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