
Jeremy Lalrinnunga wins second gold for India at Commonwealth Games 2022

Jeremy Lalrinnunga wins second gold for India at Commonwealth Games 2022
Image Courtesy: @raltejeremy/twitter

Indian wrestlers have been on fire in the ongoing commonwealth games. And another example of the same came in the form of Jeremy Larinnunga, who dominated the 67Kg men’s category.

In his wake, the 19-year-old broke two commonwealth records to win a gold medal at the event. Earlier the youngster from Mizoram had won a gold in the 67 kg commonwealth championships last year.

Jeremy Lalrinnunga wins gold

But the challenge was different this year as he was up against seasoned lifters. Still, Jeremy managed to outshine them entirely in both events.

Jeremy began his opening set with 136kgs and picked up a lead of 10 kgs in the second round, where he lifted a mammoth 140 kgs. He went for 143 kgs in the third attempt but faltered.

The 2021 championship winner opened the clean and jerk round with a 154kg lift. And was immediately seen complaining about muscle spasms and cramps. Everyone thought that his journey in the tournament was over. But the youngster thought otherwise.

Jeremy Lalrinnunga suffers injury

Jeremy was determined to win another gold for his nation. And returned to the deck for the second round, where he lifted 154 kgs. Yet again, he was in severe pain after completing the lift and was escorted out of the stage. Somehow, he returned for the third attempt but failed to lift 160kg.

However, his first two attempts in the clean and jerk round were enough to see him through to a gold medal in the event. He became the second gold medalist after Mirabai Chanu.

Jeremy created two commonwealth records during his outing. First, he completed a snatch of 140kg, which was a Games record. Then later, he went on to lift 160 in his clean and jerk, bringing his total to 300kg, breaking another commonwealth games record.

With his technique, he stunned everyone. Now the world will be watching him closely in the upcoming events. And hoping that he remains injury free too.


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