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Warner can return to captaincy following amendments in Cricket Australia’s code of conducts

A revision to the Code of Conduct has been adopted, allowing David Warner to appeal for a review of his career captaincy ban, which was issued in the aftermath of the Cape Town debacle.

Cricket Australia has amended its Code of Conduct to allow David Warner to request to have his leadership ban overturned.

David Warner is on the verge of having his lifetime leadership ban reversed, thanks to a revision in Cricket Australia’s code of conduct that allowed the former vice-captain to present his case.

Board members approved changes to CA’s rules on Monday, paving the way for Warner to apply to a three-person panel and seek for leadership freedom after months of discussion.

Previously, no matter how many years had passed, players and officials could not have fines reviewed, appealed, or lifted after original penalties were given out.

However, any sanctioned player can now present an argument for long-term penalties to be reduced if they can demonstrate contrition and a change in behaviour.

Warner has spent recent months pushing for the opportunity to lead again, with his ban the only lingering consequence from the 2018 ball-tampering controversy, and if he chooses to file for a review, he may captain the Sydney Thunder in the KFC BBL after the Test summer.

Cricket Australia makes changes in code of conducts

“Under the changes, players and support staff can now apply to have long-term sanctions modified,” the statement said.

“Any applications will be considered by a three-person Review Panel, comprising independent Code of Conduct Commissioners, which must be satisfied that exceptional circumstances exist to justify modifying a sanction.

“These circumstances and considerations will include whether the subject of the sanction has demonstrated genuine remorse; the subject’s conduct and behavior since the imposition of the sanction; whether rehabilitation programs have been completed undertaken (if applicable) and the length of time that has passed since the sanction was imposed and whether sufficient time has passed to allow for reform or rehabilitation.

“The code of conduct states this process: ‘Acknowledges that Players and Player Support Personnel are capable of genuine reform or rehabilitation and is intended to provide the Player or Player Support Personnel with an opportunity to resume their previously held positions or responsibilities in specific circumstances.’

“The hearing of an application is not an appeal, or a review of the original sanction imposed.”

Any alteration in Warner’s circumstances might allow him to captain the Thunder in the BBL after signing a two-year deal to return to the tournament this summer, as well as join the running for Australia’s one-day captaincy in any match full-time skipper Pat Cummins misses.

The leadership of Australia’s Twenty20 team is also set to change in the next six months, as Aaron Finch considers his future and Warner hopes to participate in the World Cup in 2024.


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