
FIFA uplifts the ban from AIFF – WWC Set to be hosted as planned

FIFA lifts ban on IAFF  which was imposed on the 15th of August because the Indian football governing body were under the  ‘’undue influence from third parties”.

World’s most supreme football federation FIFA on 26th august lifted the ban imposed on the All India Football Federation as there is now a green light shown for the U-17 Women’s World Cup to be hosted in India. The tournament is set to be hosted in India October this year from the 11th-30th with four games on the opening day.

India vs USA

Brazil vs Morocco

The All India Football Federation were suspended by FIFA because the Supreme Court appointed three members of the Committee of Administrators  [COA]. They assumed their powers and  responsibility to  take hold of the affairs of IAFF. FIFA recognized that the IAFF were under the undue influence of third party and decided to lift the ban shortly after 11 days on Friday.

FIFA’S STATEMENT on lifting ban from AIFF

“ The decision was taken after FIFA received confirmation that the mandate of the committee of administrators that was setup to assume the powers of the IAFF Executive Committee had been terminated and that the IAFF administration had regained full control of the IAFF’S daily affairs.”

“As a consequence, the FIFA U-17 Women’s World Cup 2022 scheduled to take place on 11-30 October 2022 will be held in India as planned.”

The ban was uplifted because the Bureau was informed that the Committee of Administrators had been terminated and the affairs were back in control of the IAFF. FIFA and AFC will now monitor the situation and will support the IAFF in organizing the elections in a timely manner.


Yavan Mittal - 57 Posts

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