
FIDE World Chess Championship 2023: High-stakes game 7 ends in time pressure blunder for Ding Liren

The seventh game of the 2023 FIDE World Championship between GM Ding Liren and GM Ian Nepomniachtchi produced a surprise when Ding opted for the French Defense to combat Nepomniachtchi’s 1.e4. Despite building a promising position, Ding fell at the crucial moment after blundering under severe time pressure, ultimately resigning on move 37 with just three seconds left on the clock.

The French Defense is not a common opening in world championship matches, with the last time it being played in 1978 between GMs Anatoly Karpov and Viktor Korchnoi. Ding’s unexpected choice caught Nepomniachtchi off guard, and his lack of deep preparation in these lines likely contributed to his uncharacteristic timidity in the opening moves.

Ding’s time trouble leads to crucial blunder

As the game progressed, the tension mounted, and both players exchanged tactical blows. Ding defended accurately against Nepomniachtchi’s dangerous ideas, but extensive time usage left him in increasing time trouble. Despite playing consecutive brilliant moves in his dwindling time, Ding misevaluated his position and blundered away the game in the end.

Overall, the game was extremely sharp and tense, with both players getting what they wanted in terms of complications and opportunities. Ding’s unexpected opening choice and strong defense showed his ability to innovate and surprise in the match. However, his blunder in the end highlights the importance of time management and accurate evaluation in high-pressure situations. The match between Ding and Nepomniachtchi continues to be unpredictable, with both players pushing the boundaries and innovating to gain an advantage in Astana.


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