
FIDE World Chess Championship 2023: Ding Struggles to Keep Up with Nepomniachtchi’s Opening Repertoire

The 2023 FIDE World Championship match has already provided a lot of excitement for chess fans after just five games. Three of the games have been decisive, more than in the 2016 and 2018 matches combined. The match has been described as “amazing” by commentators Giri and Naroditsky, who have praised the action in every game. In the most recent game, game five, Nepomniachtchi and Ding played a Ruy Lopez, with Nepomniachtchi ultimately winning due to some key mistakes from Ding. With this being the third decisive game out of five, many fans are already hailing this as one of the best starts to a world championship match in history.

Nepo outplayed Ding in the opening

Nepomniachtchi seems to be in excellent form, having returned to his favorite move, 1.e4, after failing to gain an advantage in the third game with the queen’s pawn. He has already demonstrated his deep knowledge of the Ruy Lopez, playing a rare move, 10.g5, against Ding. This move was followed by the unusual 12.h3 and 13.g5, which Giri and Naroditsky believe are part of Nepomniachtchi’s well-prepared opening repertoire.

Ding, on the other hand, seems to be struggling a bit, making some key mistakes that have cost him games. Nevertheless, he remains a formidable opponent, and it will be interesting to see how he responds in the next game. Overall, the 2023 FIDE World Championship match is shaping up to be a real classic. The early decisive games have added to the excitement, and both players have shown their skills and knowledge of the game. It will be fascinating to see how the rest of the match plays out and who ultimately emerges as the winner.

Recap of the game:


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