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European Super League: Fresh Plan announced by Bernd Reichart

The calls for the return of Super League has resurfaced online. And this time the tournament will be bigger and better claims the reports.

In 2021, the footballing world was taken by storm as 12 biggest teams in the whole of Europe announced the breakaway from traditional form of European Competition to involve in a Super League.

The original plans were scrapped after a huge outroar and protest by Fans.

New Plans for Super league

However, now there are reports by SkySports that the Super League is back and looks bigger and better than the previous version announced nearly 2 years ago.

GOAL.COM has reported that the new league idea will not be based on permanent members. Previously Super League was an elite tournament for the top fright team. But not anymore.

According to reports, the tournament this time around will not have any permanent members. Instead, all the members of the tournament will be chosen on the basis of performance.

Bernd Reichart, chief executive of the A22 Sports Management Group that is behind the new plans, has told Die Welt: “The foundations of European football are in danger of collapsing. It’s time for a change. It is the clubs that bear the entrepreneurial risk in football. But when important decisions are at stake, they are too often forced to sit idly by on the sidelines as the sporting and financial foundations crumble around them.

“Our talks have also made it clear that clubs often find it impossible to speak out publicly against a system that uses the threat of sanctions to thwart opposition. Our dialogue was open, honest, constructive and resulted in clear ideas about what changes are needed and how they could be implemented. There is a lot to do and we will continue our dialogue.”

La Liga condemns the formation of new League

There are no clear ideas behind how the 80 teams will be constituted into the tournament. However, backlashed from big leagues like La Liga have already started surfacing online.

In a statement released on Twitter, La liga said, “The Super League is the wolf, who today disguises himself as a granny to try to fool European football, but HIS nose and HIS teeth are very big, four divisions in Europe? Of course the first for them, as in the 2019 reform. Government of the clubs? Of course only the big ones.”

The Super League, which has been changed to European Super League, has already challenged the likes of UEFA and FIFA in a legal battle in court. Their argument is that neither of the bodies have any right to bar them from creating a tournament of its own.

Although the final ruling is yet to be announced, the court has formally given the right to UEFA and FIFA to block the formation of new league. The actions by the two boards according to the court were “compatible with EU law.”

There is not certainity about what the future holds in store for Super League. But they certainly have made some enticing offers to the club to lure them in. And since clubs like Manchester City and Juventus have been found guilty by UEFA, it will be interesting to see if they will make the breakaway from the traditional leagues.

Furthermore, there are many teams like Barcelona that are already struggling to manage their finances. Hence it will also be a great opportunity for them to manage their expenses, if the Super League indeed managed to get a nod.


Vaibhaw Tiwari - 389 Posts

A sucker for good sporting action, it doesn't matter from where it comes. Cricket, Football and PKL enthusiast.

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