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Yuvraj Singh Opens Up About Virat Kohli’s Support and Changing Equation with MS Dhoni

In a recent interview, Yuvraj Singh, the former Indian cricketer known for his contributions to two World Cup victories, shared his experiences regarding his comeback to the national team and expressed his gratitude towards current captain Virat Kohli for his support. Yuvraj also revealed how his equation with former captain MS Dhoni changed following his recovery from illness.

Virat Kohli’s Crucial Support

Yuvraj Singh played a pivotal role in India’s triumphant campaigns at the 2007 T20 World Cup and the 2011 World Cup. After being diagnosed with cancer post the 2011 World Cup, Yuvraj faced challenges upon his return to the cricket field in 2012. However, he credits Virat Kohli for standing by him during this difficult phase, stating that without Kohli’s support, his successful comeback to the Indian team would not have been possible.

Yuvraj Singh also shed light on his relationship with MS Dhoni, highlighting the changes that occurred after his recovery. Until the 2011 ODI World Cup, Yuvraj enjoyed Dhoni’s unwavering confidence and was considered a key player. However, circumstances shifted, and the team underwent transformations. Yuvraj acknowledged that Dhoni provided him with clarity, explaining that the selectors were not considering him for the 2019 World Cup. Despite this, Yuvraj expressed appreciation for Dhoni’s efforts and recognized that he did his best to guide him during that period.

Understanding Leadership Complexities

Reflecting on the altered equation with Dhoni, Yuvraj emphasized the complexities of leadership. He acknowledged that captains face challenging decisions, sometimes prioritizing the team’s overall performance over individual players. Yuvraj understood Dhoni’s perspective and recognized that as captain, his primary responsibility was to ensure the country’s success.

Yuvraj Singh’s recent interview shed light on the crucial support he received from Virat Kohli during his comeback to the Indian team. The former cricketer expressed deep gratitude towards Kohli for standing by him during a challenging phase in his career. Yuvraj also shared insights into his changing equation with MS Dhoni post his recovery, acknowledging the complexities of leadership and the tough decisions captains have to make for the team’s benefit.


Harshit Sachan - 980 Posts

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