
Nick Kyrgios Opens Up About Mental Health Struggles and Contemplating Suicide

Nick Kyrgios, the accomplished Australian tennis player, recently revealed his personal struggles with mental health and contemplating suicide after a Wimbledon loss in 2019. In an honest and introspective interview, Kyrgios shares the challenges he faced and his journey towards seeking professional help and overcoming his darkest moments.

This article explores Kyrgios’ revelations and the significance of addressing mental health issues, shedding light on the importance of mental well-being in the world of sports.

A Dark Period: Contemplating Suicide

Kyrgios discloses the profound impact a loss at Wimbledon had on his mental state, leading him to contemplate suicide. Following his defeat against Rafael Nadal, Kyrgios found himself in a state of despair, prompting him to seek support and treatment for his well-being. These struggles compelled him to open up about his experiences, shedding light on the often-overlooked mental health challenges athletes face.

A pivotal moment in Kyrgios’ journey was waking up to his father’s tearful presence. Witnessing the emotional toll his struggles had on his loved ones served as a wake-up call for Kyrgios. It was this moment that made him realize the severity of his situation and compelled him to seek professional assistance.

During this difficult period, Kyrgios admits to engaging in harmful behaviors, including excessive drinking and drug abuse. These destructive coping mechanisms not only intensified his mental health struggles but also strained his relationships with family and friends. Recognizing the need for change, Kyrgios decided to seek professional help to address his issues and regain control of his life.

Ongoing Battles and Return to Tennis

Since his appearance in the 2022 Wimbledon final, Kyrgios has faced setbacks, including injuries that sidelined him from the tennis scene for extended periods. Despite these challenges, Kyrgios recently made a comeback at the Stuttgart tournament after seven months off.

Although he experienced an early exit in the first round, his return to the elite tour represents a significant step forward in his journey toward recovery and competitive form.

Kyrgios’ personal struggles extended beyond the tennis court, as he faced legal consequences following a charge of common assault involving his former girlfriend. His psychologist, Sam Borenstein, shed light on Kyrgios’ mental state during that time, emphasizing the impact of major depressive episodes, substance abuse, and impulsive behavior. Kyrgios expressed remorse and acknowledged the need for personal growth and transformation.

Following his court case, Kyrgios emphasizes the importance of seeking help for mental health struggles. He understands the overwhelming nature of life’s challenges and encourages others to prioritize their mental well-being. Through his own journey, Kyrgios discovered the power of seeking assistance and working on oneself to achieve healing and personal growth.


Harshit Sachan - 980 Posts

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