
Napoli Faces Potential Legal Action Over Mocking Video Featuring Osimhen

Napoli striker Victor Osimhen and his agent, Roberto Calenda, have issued a stern warning to the club, suggesting they may resort to legal action following a video posted on Napoli’s official TikTok profile that mocked the Nigerian forward. This recent incident has exacerbated the already strained relationship between Osimhen and the club.

The Initial Strain

The tension had been building earlier when Osimhen was caught on camera berating Napoli coach Rudi Garcia after being substituted during a Serie A match against Bologna, which ended in a goalless draw. However, the situation escalated when Napoli shared a video on their TikTok account that ridiculed Victor Osimhen. The video featured Osimhen appealing for a penalty in a sped-up voice, followed by a portrayal of him missing the penalty. Napoli eventually removed the video, but the damage was done.

In response to the video, Roberto Calenda, Victor Osimhen’s agent, released a strongly worded statement expressing his discontent. Calenda stated, “What happened today on Napoli’s official profile on the TikTok platform is not acceptable. A video mocking Victor was first made public and then, but now belatedly, deleted. A serious fact that causes very serious damage to the player and adds to the treatment that the boy is suffering in the last period between media trials and fake news. We reserve the right to take legal action and any useful initiative to protect Victor.”

Rare Legal Action

Taking legal action against a club due to a social media post is highly unusual in the world of football. This move indicates the severity of the situation and the player’s determination to defend his reputation.

Furthermore, it’s essential to note that Victor Osimhen has not yet signed a new contract with Napoli, despite months of negotiations. His current contract with the club is set to expire in June 2025, adding an extra layer of complexity to the ongoing discord between the player and the club. The situation between Victor Osimhen and Napoli continues to escalate, and the potential legal action could have far-reaching consequences for both parties involved.


Harshit Sachan - 980 Posts

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