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Gunmen Leave Threatening Message For Lionel Messi After Attacking His Family Store in Rosario

The Rosario Police confirmed on Thursday that gunmen left a threatening message to Lionel Messi after firing a store named ‘Unico’ which is owned by his wife Antonela Roccuzzo’s family.  

The note had written on it, “Messi, we are waiting for you. Javkin is a drug dealer. He is not going to look after you,” police confirmed. Pablo Javkin is the current mayor of Rosario.

Messi’s Family Store attacked in Argentina

Javkin blamed the security forces for failing to effectively combat organized crime, which in recent years has grown in the important port city, where dozens of ships daily load thousands of tons of grain.

Fourteen shots were reportedly fired at the shutters and front door of the food store “Unico,” which is located in the Lavalle district of Rosario, in the early hours of Thursday by two individuals on a motorbike. No one was hurt, but the damage was done to the store.

During the early hours of Thursday, two gunmen riding a motorbike fired fourteen shots on the main door and shutters of the food store ‘Unico’, which is located in Lavalle district of Rosario.

Local reports suggest that football hooligans known in Argentina as barrabravas could be behind the attack. Also, A local TV station that reported on the attack claimed the message suggested criminals may be trying to extort money from the seven-time Ballon d’Or winner world champion.


Aamir Wadwan - 91 Posts

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