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Fabio Grosso: Lyon manager suffers grave injuries after team bus was attacked ahead of Marseille clash

According to latest football news, The Ligue 1 fixture between Lyon and Marseille have faced a poignant stop after their high-intensity clash was postponed due to “mindless” attacking by Marseille supporters on the team bus, which has left Lyon manager Fabio Grosso with “serious injuries”. Along with Grosso, assistant manager Longo also sustained facial injuries dues to projectiles.

A massacre before high-intensity clash

Lyon and Marseille were supposed to face each other in one of the mouth-watering clashes of the season, with three points at stake. Lyon, along with their top players and manager Fabio Grosso were travelling to the stadium, but some unforeseen situations caused a massacre on their way, as they made their way to Stade Velodrome ahead of the game. Although the game involved two of the heavyweights in French league, this season their fortunes have presented with an unexpected circumstance, as Lyon stood at the bottom of the table, with Marseille middling around on the 10th position.

Marseille has said that it “deplores the unacceptable incidents.” Lyon has said in their official statement that it invites “invites the authorities to take stock of the seriousness and repetition of this type of incident before an even more serious tragedy occurs”, and it “regrets that this type of situation occurs every year in Marseille.”

“Violent attack”

According to Lyon club officials, it has been reported that several supporters have “violently attacked” the team bus, and smashed with projectiles. Images on social media had surfaced that Grosso was seen lying on his stretchered, in his blood-smeared face, as the club said that the manager and his assistant were “directly hit and seriously injured in the face during the attack.”

The visitors had initially planned to start the game, but later decided to change their decision with Longo and Grosso’s injury news taking a toll on the mental health of the players. Lyon club president John Textor has expressed his angst to Prime Video, when he was heard saying, “[Grosso] can’t hold a conversation, he had shards of glass in his face. I’m very angry – our players, our coach, prepared for tonight and the fans wanted to see the game played. Once the window was broken, other projectiles hit him, just above the eye. There were beer bottles, which hit him on the forehead.”

Marseille condemn attacks

Marseille president Pablo Longoria has condemned the attacks and has added those to be “completely unacceptable”, further adding to his statement, “My first thought is for Fabio Grosso, someone I respect and have known for a long time. I went to see him as soon as I arrived at the stadium, I saw how he was.”

After this harrowing event, Marseille had released an official statement which included best wishes and speedy recovery to Grosso. It said that the club “wishes a speedy recovery to Lyon coach Fabio Grosso and strongly condemns this violent behavior which has no place in the world of football and in society. Due to a handful of mindless people, the game planned for this evening was spoiled and deprived 65,000 supporters of attending a football match.”

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