
Game 11 of 2023 FIDE World Championship: Nepomniachtchi and Ding Liren Play Tame Draw

In the 11th game of the 2023 FIDE World Championship, GM Ding Liren was able to hold GM Ian Nepomniachtchi to a draw, marking the tamest encounter of the championship so far. With the score now at 6-5 in favor of Nepomniachtchi, all eyes are turning to Ding’s second-to-last game with the white pieces on Wednesday.

Despite his hesitance to admit to superstitions, Nepomniachtchi has worn the same colored shirt for five games in a row now, ever since his spectacular victory in game seven, which was the last decisive result. While attire may not seem important in chess, it can sometimes be a psychologically helpful element for players.

Nepomniachtchi Forces Ding into an Identical Line from a Previous Game

Nepomniachtchi’s preparation over the last few games has been worthy of a world champion, and his ability to conjure desirable positions has been paramount to his success in the match so far. In game 11, the return of the Ruy Lopez Defense was a sensible choice following Ding’s 1…e5.

Eight moves into the opening, Nepomniachtchi had forced Ding down an identical line to their 2020 Candidates game, one that Ding admitted he had “bad memories from.” However, an alternate move order and a move-10 deviation from the 2020 game meant that Ding was ready to face this line.

The players steered away from any previously played master games and began to use more time on the clock. 15. Ng5 was an interesting choice by Nepomniachtchi, a move that introduced the first major imbalance in the game and showed his intent to play for more than a draw.

After a sequence of exchanges, both players found ways to force proceedings, and the game ended in a rook and three pawns versus rook and three pawns ending, with White technically winning a pawn, but doubled e-pawns reducing the evaluation to equal. The speed of the players’ moves was the best forewarning of a draw, and the game ended in a repetition on move 39.

With the championship nearing its end, all eyes are on Ding’s upcoming game with the white pieces, as he tries to find a way to reduce Nepomniachtchi’s lead and become the new world chess champion.


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